Week 11: Self Evaluation

Throughout the whole 11 weeks I feel that my understanding of the advertising industry has grown so much more. It has become so much more open and wider, especially in the ways that I see the advertisements. As of right now I have reached the 11th weeks of this quarter, and the 11th class of advertising throughout this class I feel that I have met the credentials, and did everything that was asked of me in a timely matter. Even though I have fallen into a deep step and forgot to do some of my assignments they were always done before the next time the class meets. Opening up my mind in a way and having me understand more about the world we live in now, has gotten me to think about what is going to happen in the future, got me into realizing that I really do have to pay attention to what is going on in the world and always in the industry of my choosing, because if I don’t then I am going to be really far behind once it is my time to be out there after I graduate from college. So, with that in hand I feel that by the end of the day I feel that I deserve to get a passing grade in this class. 

[6] Analysis of Project in the Real World

"Advertising communication depends on a synergy of visual and verbal components. In other words, the visual-verbal ad equation is: 1 + 1 = 3. Nowhere is this more evident than in print. Whether it is a magazine or newspaper ad, an outdoor poster or billboard, there is no motion or sound to dazzle. In print, words and images alone must convey the idea." Throughout this project, I could fully decide on exactly what I wanted to do for the final outcome, I know I wanted to make an advertisement. However the first one that I had in mind was completely the opposite of what I have now. But being able to change my way of making it happen, makes me happy because I realized that the way one was going to be to gaudy. it was going to have to much going on and it wouldn't get the point across. So I wanted to expose something that would straight to the point and kind of demanding. "Together, the line and visual should communicate and express the advertising message. In fact, in a really good ad, the line and visual, in combination, should have an additive effect." I feel the advertisement that I chose to show was the right one because it is straight to the point and very demanding it shows the eyes to the point of where you know she means business, I wanted a the eyes to basically tell the story. That is why my main focus were mostly on the eyes. "Temporal relationship exists in screen-based media (the relationship or interplay between two separate events or images), and this involves chronology (the order of events). A screen-based design solution is composed of a number of media items (events, frames, images, and sound), each of which has its own duration. These can be combined into a whole by specifying the temporal relationships among the different items.

[5] Creative Content

"Creative advertising requires the communication of a meaningful message to an audience through an idea, expressed through the visual design and copy. Formulating an idea necessitates research, analysis, interpretation, inference, and reflective and creative thinking"
Interior: Closet
Close Up Shot, Dolly in use.
- Talent is in the closet slightly sweeping her clothes trying to decide what to wear for the party she is attending.
- Talent picks out an entire outfit and gracefully tosses it onto her bed. 

Interior: Bedroom 
Wide Shot, Focus-in Focus Shot. 
- Capture the clothes landing onto the bed
- Un-Focused shot of the talent (girl) walking to the bathroom. 

-Dolly follows talent to the bathroom-
Interior: Bathroom. 
Soft Focus. 
- Close up shot, zoom out after 10 secs on the product (MAC cosmetics) 
- Zoom out: Mirror shot, blur talent from the mirror
- Close up shot on the talent putting on her make up (Half face) 

-Last touch: blush brush, hits the counter, slow motion, zoom out into a mirror shot and see the talent walking to her bedroom. 

-Dolly shot, following her to the bed room- 

-Talent; has dress on, zooms in on talent putting on the shoes. 

-Zoom out, glide up from the dolly get a full shot of her body, zoom out- 

Talent walks away, goes to the door, before shutting the door, 
-talent turns around- 

-Gracefully turns around. 
-Smiles at the camera (slight seductive way) 
Talent says: "Now You're MAC-nificiant. 
"creative thinking will be necessary. Ideas, ideas. Ideas matter—no matter what the technology used. We have to generate ideas and content that people will seek out, that pulls people in across media."
By writing out this commercial and being able to bring a new and creative way of expression the way that I want to produce this product to the world, is what gives me the lead start and ahead of everyone else that are trying to come up with a new and unique idea for the product that they want to get out there. In conclusion, an ad idea is visually and verbally expressed through the creation, selection, combination, manipulation, and arrangement of visual and verbal elements and the written copy. A big idea is a solid, creative, on-brand idea that is large enough and flexible enough to be used effectively across media for a period of time.

[4] Promotion

"Consumer advertising and promotion are directed toward the general public" Being able to provide a story, without using motion or any kind of sound, is the best story anyone can ever tell, because when you capture people the emotion, then you know you have really made something that should and always will be history to all of the ones that were so touched by the promotion that you have created. The way I am going to promote my product is by making an advertisement that will show the beauty and glam of the product. being able to provide such an experience just by using a picture is the only way that I can think of. "Part of what differentiates a brand or group is “owning” a selling point, benefit, attitude, or any characteristic that contributes to a distinct construct" Being able to make my promotions stand out and be seen is definitely a challenge. I have to make sure that I am reaching out to all of the different age groups, or class groups, or any kind of groups that need to be recognized, so that I am able to give them the attention they need through my promotion. Essentially, the idea drives your design decisions—how you create, why you select imagery and typefaces or lettering, and the reasoning behind your color palette selection. The idea sets the framework for all your design decisions

[3] The Big Idea.

What will you do to attract customers?
An effective ad is driven by the underlying concept. An advertising idea— or concept—is the creative reasoning behind a solution. The concept determines the resulting message: what you say and how you design.
I will attract my customers, by making my ad feel, as if it is part of a real life experience. I want them to understand that the whole point of me making the ad I did was from my personal experience and emotion. I feel, as if, when you are able to put your own feels and such into an Ad then you know it will be a good one. You will hope that the consumers/customers, will be able to connect with you in a way you want them to, in a way where as soon as they see my ad they will understand the playfulness that I wanted to capture within my product advertisement.
Finding a relevant insight into how people think, what they need or desire, and how they act, termed a consumer insight, is paramount for idea generation
From the quote above, taken from my advertising book, I feel as if I found a way to make it what a good campaign should be. I feel since I am part of the "now generation" well in a way I was able to connect with the rest of the consumers and understand their wants and needs when it comes to products that they most admire. By focusing on the attributes of an object, person, place, character, topic or theme, product, or service, you can find a characteristic that might lead to an idea. Attribute listing is a method for analyzing and separating data through observing and identifying various qualities that might have otherwise been overlooked

Week 10 EOC: What makes a good Campaign?

My campaign endears the brand or group to the public it starts off as if it is a regular person, a girl getting ready to go out, picking out an outfit, doing her make up, and ends with a smile and a pinch of tease, with the girl and dolled up with her MAC cosmetics on, being able to look fabulous in the outfit, but most importantly her make-up. It strikes a chord in its target audience MAC cosmetics is always about the younger crowd or trying to keep up with the younger crowd, looking glamorous at all times, being able to be flirtatious but also classy at the same. My target demographic will be able to understand and relate to my ad because mostly all will understand what it is I am trying to say, and come across with, that if you wear Mac Cosmetics you are able to look fabulous, and feel confident whenever you go out. The idea makes sense for the brand or group. Its true, MAC cosmetics is the number one make up brand that are used when dolling up the celebrities. They want to be known as the best of the best, the number one brand that you will always look upon. the brand that you will want to use not only because mostly all celebrities, but because you trust in the brand, you know it will make you feel confident, and not only will a good campaign, will make you think a little, trying to figure it out, just so that it is on your mind. a good campaign will try its best to not only catch you mentally but emotionally. a good campaign works hard to get their point through, as clear as possible and last but not least a good campaign will a campaign that you will remember for years.

EOC Week 9: For Those Who Think Young. . .

This is an advertisement for MAC cosmetics (obviously) This AD isn't really all that bad, it shows a little girl who likes the whole hello kitty fad that the fashion industry has going on. The only thing that really throws me off about his is the fact that she looks like a plastic barbie doll. When girls, young ladies, or women have to much make up on and they make them look as if they are fake, then something has gone wrong, with whatever they are doing. Don't get me wrong, if I could afford MAC cosmetics I would be rocking their style too, because I love the vibrant-ness of the make up. But when you take a girl between the ages of 13-16 and make them look as if they are x2 older then what they seem, there is something wrong. I understand that she is doing an advertisement for the Hello Kitty collection, so thats why that have her hair all big and the bow on the side of her head, but I still feel as if they made her look to old in this advertisement. Even though it is a gorgeous advertisement.

AMERICAN APPAREL. They honestly really need to go down a different route because, exploding young women to this to expose themselves in ungodly was is disgraceful. This model is at least between the ages of 15-17, still a minor, and she is practically showing her body to the world, exposing her back side. unappropriated for any advertisement, no matter the company. Everyone knows that American Apparel, is a disgrace to the whole fashion industry, but for some odd reason they seem to still be lasting, hopefully in a few more years they will be gone for good, because we cant keep having this ads be published or seen on the internet if they were banned, its not right, and for the model of did this, she should respect herself and her body a little bit more, and should have said no and left the deal of American Apparel to those who don't think highly of themselves.

[2] Competitive analyses

I feel as if my competition would be any other make up company. Creative thinking is needed through all the phases of an advertising project. They are trying to become the IT company that MAC is, and so in order for me to beat them, I have to come up with a more and unique marketing plans, being able to invision and put more of a young youth onto the palette it is a little bit more easier for me to come up with something then the competitors marketing group, only because I do have a lot of ideas that I want to do, and no one knows them, except for me.
Thumbnail sketches are preliminary, small, quick, unrefined drawings of your ideas in black and white or color. Best practice dictates that you use traditional image-making techniques
However I also have to think about how is I am going to get my Product more noticeable then any other product. I have to do research on all of the make up company, do surveys, just to find out how the people really do feel about all of the different make up products. Being able to give the people what they want within their make up is what will make my product different from anyone else's. planning does not involve junior art directors and copywriters; junior art directors will be briefed by their creative director (CD) or associate creative director (ACD)

[1] MAC Cosmetics: Now You're MAC-nificiant

The vision: 
"The creative vision of many talented design students who entered our cover competition"
When I first came across this project, I literally had no idea what product I wanted to do. But after thinking for a while. I decided to put my own self into the picture. So, I decided to choose MAC cosmetics. Because, I have always admired the way the make up artist do their clients make-up. It automatically got me thinking about going to the party. So I pictured, a commercial, going around the lines of this. 
 Interior: Closet
Close Up Shot, Dolly in use.
- Talent is in the closet slightly sweeping her clothes trying to decide what to wear for the party she is attending.
- Talent picks out an entire outfit and gracefully tosses it onto her bed. 

Interior: Bedroom 
Wide Shot, Focus-in Focus Shot. 
- Capture the clothes landing onto the bed
- Un-Focused shot of the talent (girl) walking to the bathroom. 

-Dolly follows talent to the bathroom-

Interior: Bathroom. 
Soft Focus. 
- Close up shot, zoom out after 10 secs on the product (MAC cosmetics) 
- Zoom out: Mirror shot, blur talent from the mirror
- Close up shot on the talent putting on her make up (Half face) 

-Last touch: blush brush, hits the counter, slow motion, zoom out into a mirror shot and see the talent walking to her bedroom. 

-Dolly shot, following her to the bed room- 

-Talent; has dress on, zooms in on talent putting on the shoes. 

-Zoom out, glide up from the dolly get a full shot of her body, zoom out- 

Talent walks away, goes to the door, before shutting the door, 
-talent turns around- 

-Gracefully turns around. 
-Smiles at the camera (slight seductive way) 
Talent says: "Now You're MAC-nificiant.

 Most competing brands are of equal quality—that is, they are parity products or services.
By creating this commercial, is how my product is going to be unique from anything else, its an original thought, and it will help make MAC more notices and fun to have when going out on a party.
Advertising is used in a free-market system to promote one brand or group over another

Week 8 EOC: My Slogan

: Font: Ceaser
: Font: Pharmacy

: Font: Throw my hands in the air

: Font: Handwriting-Draft
: Font: Lion King

: Font: Angellia Tattoo
: Font: Gaberille

 : Font: Birth of a Hero

: Font: Dear Joe Four
 : Font: Riesling

Week 8 BOC: Progression on Final Project

My idea for the final project, is to use the cosmetic brand MAC. I was absent last week, when we had to come up with the slogan and make a pitch to my teacher, however, I did email my teacher about my idea, he said "Good start!" So, if all goes well, my idea for the final project is to make a little commercial, as well as, if I have time, an advertisement as well. using the slogan, "Now you're MAC-nificiant." The way I plan on following through with this project is to get a girl, or if I can't find anyone, shoot myself in the commercial. The way I am going to do the commercial is I am going to make it seem as if the talent is going to a party. and So she is getting ready, she picks out an outfit and tosses it on her bed, then she walks to her bathroom, and you see all of her MAC make up on her vanity, you don't see her face until the very end, so when it comes to the final touch of her make up, you see a blush brush in slow motion hitting the vanity (landing) and a unfocused shot of the talent in the mirror, getting up and walking to her room, the next scene you see is her putting on her dress, then an XCU of her buckling/putting on her shoe. Then the camera zooms out (dolly's out) you see her whole outfit, she walks to the door, she turns around quickly, then you get a CU shot of her looking at the camera smiling and saying "Now you're MAC-nificiant"
The ad. idea that I has was to get a dimly background, more focused on her faced, all dolled up in MAC product, either smiling, or doing a seductive look with the slogan to the right side of her face and the logo on the bottom right corner.

Week 6 EOC: Chim Chim Cheree

"There's Tufsyn, and Retsyn, and Acrylan too, And Marfac and Melmac and what else is new? There's Orlon and Korlan, and there's Accutron, And Teflon, and Ban-Lon, and so on and on"

Allan was referring to the rubber of a car tire. How you can't get any better tires then the ones at Good Year there was a video for this advertisement, it explained a little more, about why Good Year Tires were the best tired to have assembled on your car.

      " There's Orlon and Korlan, and there's Accutron, And Teflon,      and Ban-Lon, and so on and on. These wonderful words spin around in my brain; Each one is a mystery I cannot explain."  

Allan was referring to the time of a watch, being able to look at a little screen, but not know what is behind all of the magic. Being able to figure out all of the little neat nik naks within a watch, is something that is wonderful and really does make words spin around your brain.

Week 5 EOC: Superbowl ADs

"it’s one of the best ads we’ve seen from them in years"  http://www.superbowl-commercials.org/23331.html The nature of the brand is to capture the essence of the group of people who love to have Budweiser for a drink. Now, if you didn't know that the horse that was used in the was a Clydesdale horse, which is the branded horse for Budweiser. If you do a little research about the company you would know that in 1876 Anheuser-Busch InBew. was introduced by Adolphus Busch, and they have became one of the highest selling beers in the United States.  The goals for Budweiser is to capture their audiences by so much more then sight and smell. "We didn’t so much care about that part, but we love those horses nonetheless!"  http://www.superbowl-commercials.org/23331.html and with this advertisement, I realized that they captured my attention. . . emotionally. . . and its very difficult for advertisements to catch you emotionally, because we don't expect, and if you expect something to happen to you and it happens, you are hooked to whatever that thing is, and I never expected a beer company to capture my heart in an emotional stage. I feel the target audience is from ages of 21- 65, as well as mothers {well with this commercial, anyways.} "According to its Twitter feed, more than 60,000 names were suggested on the #Clydesdales hashtag on Twitter." http://www.mlive.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2013/02/super_bowl_2013_commercials_bu_1.html

Week 4 EOC: Women Advertising

This picture, is all over the place, Whoever made this advertisement, did they really think about what they were going to show? A pregnant woman, with a beer in her hand. This advertisement will just show young girls who are pregnant that it is okay to be consuming alcohol when they are caring a baby.  I understand that beer advertisements and commercials aren't always the best, but do they really have to use such a irresponsible, unethical proposal for this beer advertisement. They could've done this without the pregnancy, just have a really pretty girl or even two of them hold a glass of this kind of alcohol.

 REALLY? This is the perfect advertisement to discuss perverted old men. They used a little girls innocence to describe something that will make you sexy, they could've came up with something better, something more appropriate. All they had to think about is if this was their child how would they feel. I don't think they would want their child to be known as "sexy" at such a young age and do a provocative stare just to promote something that is more for women. They could've just gotten an older woman made her skin look soft, holding a teddy bear, and this advertisement would have been so much better and less discriminating.

EOC Week 3: Tabbaco Advertisment

1. Determine the scenario: What happens in this frame?
Whats happening in frame is a discrimination, the ad first of was very badly color coordinated, but its also saying, that if you (a man) smokes then us (a woman) will be attracted to you (a man) just because you smoke. And we(women) will follow you like a good little house wife.
2. What is the setting? What are the conditions?

The settings of this Ad. is all about the sexual attraction, The conditions are that this Ad is trying to make smoking seem sexy, and attractive, which will make other people want to look sexy as well as attractive.
3. Who are the people or groups?

The groups and or people are more towards the older, single, or newly-weded group.
4. What is their point of view around this specific experience?

I feel as if their POV for the experience of the ad. would be the experience of being noticed by a female or male. Whom ever is the one smoking.
5. What are their goals?

Their goal is to and sell the cigarette. Trying to "convince" the men to get this brand of cigarette, so they can take a woman home with them. However, they didn't really think about the women now did they. Back in the day, women weren't really ever considered when it comes to wanting to sell products. During that time... women had to "please" their man, so if men can get something just to make a woman go and "seduce" you just sold a product.
6. What are their assumptions? What are their perceptions?

Their "assumptions" are that women will fall -head over hills- for men who smoke the brand cigarette Tipalet. and their "perceptions" were too...
7. Are there conflicts? Is there cooperation?

Conflicts back then, probably not. Now, a lot of conflicts. womenizing, sexist, and so much more. now and days the cigarcette ads are just basic pictures, no discrimination at all.
8. What are the outcomes?

Their outcomes are is a good product, and I'm sure it sold well, the Advertiser for this ad did a horrible job, so that may have stopped them from selling as much as they wish to sell. 

EOC Week 2: Questionable Ethics

There are several different advertisments that are uneccessary, that should have been thought out a little more, here are just a few examples of....
This advertisement is unethical because it is showing the children posing in a provocative way. When it comes to children that can be a very touchy issue because, children are innocent and should be shown that way, with the AD it makes them seem as if they are a sex symbol at such a young age. I feel as if Mexx may have pushed their campaign a little to far. 

But honestly, There is most likely a million one different ways to portray this advertisment. yes their motto is "Fashion Junkie," but did they really have to make two young girls snort the dress, which is as if they were smoking coke? To me this ad makes me feel like, if I or someone else wants to go into fashion they have to be able to do anything to get into this business. 
Really? honestly I feel as if there should be a rated-ness when it comes to some adds. This is just sexist. in my opinion. To me why would you even mention a guys private area in an ad. that kind of ruins the whole purpose of it. 

Week One EOC: My Voice

I am a professional in the Fashion Industry. Fashion is more than the clothes you wear on your back, its a form of expression, and I am expecting myself to show my expression as well as bussiness-like quality with the world. I choice to do the Fashion industry, because there is more then one concept, you can gain a lot of experience. My mind has been truly blessed with gaining the knowledge of fashion in different departments. I have nailed it down to the marketing field of fashion. I chose marketing because I want to help and give my professional knowledge out there to those who would allow me to assist them. I want to be able to use my business side as well as my creative side to get the names of others out there, and keep my mind going with the new fashionistas out there today. Even though, I am majoring in fashion doesn’t mean it’s the only thing that I love to do, my other love is for film-making, photography, as well as physical training. One day I hope to further all my talents that I love. Most importantly, I hope to further my Professional Career in Fashion/ Fashion Marketing.

Week One EOC: Volkswagen Lemon AD.

Before Volkswagen’s ‘Lemon’ advertisement the ads were so boring and just facts. When the “Lemon” ad came out with a much more interesting and different manner than the advertisements that came before them, they captivated and changed the world of advertising. No more laying around and just stating facts, now all that was needed was something to grab our attention. Alright so we know what it meant for the world of advertising, what it looked like, and what came after it. So only one question remains. “How could Volkswagen sell Hitler’s favorite car to the American people only a decade and a half after World War II? This was the question asked of the advertising agency Doyle Dane Bernbach in 1960. In order for them to solve this problem, they would have to find a new way to advertise their products.” I think America is happy with the Volkswagen Beetle despite whose favorite car it was. Passing through such vigorous testing, that just because the glove compartment was slightly damaged spoke very highly of the car. “The ad featured a black and white photo of the Volkswagen Beetle with the word “Lemon” in bold san serif font… the image follows a statement that proclaims that this particular car was rejected by Inspector Kurt Kroner because of a blemish on the chrome piece of the glove box.” why is the 1961 Volkswagen Beetle advertisement so important? “God bless him, because in so doing he also gave advertising permission to surprise, to defy and to engage the consumer without bludgeoning him about the face and body. Kroner offered up a lemon with approximately the same result of Eve offering the apple. Not only did everything change, but suddenly things were a lot more interesting.”
http://www.writingfordesigners.com/?p=1731, http://www.writingfordesigners.com/?p=1731,  (http://adage.com/century/campaigns.html