EOC Week 3: Tabbaco Advertisment

1. Determine the scenario: What happens in this frame?
Whats happening in frame is a discrimination, the ad first of was very badly color coordinated, but its also saying, that if you (a man) smokes then us (a woman) will be attracted to you (a man) just because you smoke. And we(women) will follow you like a good little house wife.
2. What is the setting? What are the conditions?

The settings of this Ad. is all about the sexual attraction, The conditions are that this Ad is trying to make smoking seem sexy, and attractive, which will make other people want to look sexy as well as attractive.
3. Who are the people or groups?

The groups and or people are more towards the older, single, or newly-weded group.
4. What is their point of view around this specific experience?

I feel as if their POV for the experience of the ad. would be the experience of being noticed by a female or male. Whom ever is the one smoking.
5. What are their goals?

Their goal is to and sell the cigarette. Trying to "convince" the men to get this brand of cigarette, so they can take a woman home with them. However, they didn't really think about the women now did they. Back in the day, women weren't really ever considered when it comes to wanting to sell products. During that time... women had to "please" their man, so if men can get something just to make a woman go and "seduce" you just sold a product.
6. What are their assumptions? What are their perceptions?

Their "assumptions" are that women will fall -head over hills- for men who smoke the brand cigarette Tipalet. and their "perceptions" were too...
7. Are there conflicts? Is there cooperation?

Conflicts back then, probably not. Now, a lot of conflicts. womenizing, sexist, and so much more. now and days the cigarcette ads are just basic pictures, no discrimination at all.
8. What are the outcomes?

Their outcomes are is a good product, and I'm sure it sold well, the Advertiser for this ad did a horrible job, so that may have stopped them from selling as much as they wish to sell. 

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