Week 10 EOC: What makes a good Campaign?

My campaign endears the brand or group to the public it starts off as if it is a regular person, a girl getting ready to go out, picking out an outfit, doing her make up, and ends with a smile and a pinch of tease, with the girl and dolled up with her MAC cosmetics on, being able to look fabulous in the outfit, but most importantly her make-up. It strikes a chord in its target audience MAC cosmetics is always about the younger crowd or trying to keep up with the younger crowd, looking glamorous at all times, being able to be flirtatious but also classy at the same. My target demographic will be able to understand and relate to my ad because mostly all will understand what it is I am trying to say, and come across with, that if you wear Mac Cosmetics you are able to look fabulous, and feel confident whenever you go out. The idea makes sense for the brand or group. Its true, MAC cosmetics is the number one make up brand that are used when dolling up the celebrities. They want to be known as the best of the best, the number one brand that you will always look upon. the brand that you will want to use not only because mostly all celebrities, but because you trust in the brand, you know it will make you feel confident, and not only will a good campaign, will make you think a little, trying to figure it out, just so that it is on your mind. a good campaign will try its best to not only catch you mentally but emotionally. a good campaign works hard to get their point through, as clear as possible and last but not least a good campaign will a campaign that you will remember for years.

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